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Member Concert Instructions
Concert Instructions 2023
A Chilled Christmas Concert
Nork Hall, Nork, Banstead, Surrey SM2 1JB
Sunday 17th December 2023 at 11:15am-2pm
Address: Nork Hall, Nork, Banstead, Surrey SM7 1JB
Arrive: Members to arrive at 10:30am to help with hall preparations and seating.
Parking: Band members, friends and guests can use the hall car park.
If the car park is full there is plenty of space in the surrounding roads.
Concert: 11:15am - 12:45pm
Refreshments: 1pm - 2pm Snacks and soft drinks.
Dress Code: Anything Christmassy, hats, jumpers, lights and lots of tinsel.
Music Stand: Please bring your own black or silver music stand.
Clear up the Hall: Band members to help clean the hall and replace tables and chairs.
Concert 90 approx. minutes​.
Half time break 15 minutes.
This leaves 75 minutes for music and chat.
First half music = 25 minutes
Second half music = 41 minutes
Extra chat = 9 minutes
Total time (with break) = 90 minutes
Music Program
1st Half
(25' including chat)
Movie Adventures (5') arr.Sweeney
Stevie Wonder (5') arr.Murtha
Birdland (5') arr.Barlas/Feigel
Lone Ar-ranger (4') arr.Buttal
2nd Half
(41' including chat)
Stranger things (5') arr.O'loughlin
Boogie Express (5') Schneider
Sound of Music (11') arr.Duthoit
Blues Brothers (5') arr.Babcock
Christmas Festival (7') Anderson
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